IMPORTANT: I'm sorry to inform you that I have permanently closed my pet taxidermy and memorial services for pet owners.
Scroll after the shop to read the text about it,
If you have any questions, contact me by email:
Specialized in the creation of jackalopes
taxidermist since 2015, I started my self-taught apprenticeship with rabbit pelts.
People were amazed by the quality of my work and attention to details.
For a while I also perfected my work by agreeing to do taxidermy of domestic animals to help people in their grieving journey, something that I no longer do today because of the emotional side which took up too much space in my life.
But today, I still work with animals found ethically (death of natural causes or meat by-product coming from farms especially) so people can add an aesthetic artistic touch to their home decor.
New creations available
Dark brown Jackalope taxidermy with light blue eyes and real antlers, on a decorated plaque
Regular price $900.00 CADRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Natural brown Jackalope taxidermy with dark eyes and real antlers
Regular price $900.00 CADRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Harlequin Jackalope taxidermy with hazel eyes and real antlers
Regular price $900.00 CADRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Black Jackalope taxidermy with black antlers replica & light blue eyes
Regular price $900.00 CADRegular priceUnit price perSold out
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Pet taxidermy & memorial services.
Unfortunately, this is a service that I no longer offer at all because of emotional reasons. For 5 years I was offering this service for pet owners who wanted to keep a memory of their beloved pet other than just ashes in an urn. But the emotional heaviness of this work affected me. I constantly lived in a state of mourning because being an empath, I absorb the pain of people a lot, being myself an unconditional animal lover.
But for people who still want this service, for the moment I do not know anyone in Canada who offers this specific service of full mount pet taxidermy, but I can refer you to artists who offer pet memorial services (mostly fur or bones preservation.)
Here are the steps to follow if your pet decease and you are thinking of contacting a taxidermist for taxidermy or memorial services:
The first and most important thing to do when your pet dies is to place it in a freezer within the first hours after death. You can wrap it in a small blanket or towel first, then in a plastic bag. Don't worry, your animal can stay in a freezers for years without any issues.
I strongly advise waiting 2-3 weeks to do some of your mourning and be certain of your decision. Pet taxidermy is not a common thing.
Pet taxidermy is not something that needs to decide early in grief. You should know that having a taxidermy of your animal can be for some a constant reminder of their passing, or a sweet memory of their beloved animal. It's different for everyone, you have to be aware of that.
Finding a taxidermist who will accept to do the work will be difficult, I know. You should not blame the taxidermist who don't accept pets, they know that it is long, delicate and emotional work. I also advise that if you think you are too emotional during the phone conversation about your pet, to call another day. If it's hard for you, it will be hard for the other person too. We are all animal lovers.
It will be important to keep your animal frozen until you take it to a taxidermist. If your pet smells of death (advanced decomposition) the taxidermist may not want to work with your pet because it is not in good condition for taxidermy. The wait time for taxidermy work varies greatly from one taxidermist to another. It can be from 2 months to 3 years of waiting. Same goes for the price, it all depends on the project, size of the animal and quality of the work, you can see prices ranging from $900 to $6000 and even more. Usually, the more talented a taxidermist, the higher the wait time and the price of the project. So choosing the cheaper taxidermist may not be a good idea.
But if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. I will try to help you the best I can.